How does HTTP work?
The best resource I found is this Quora answer to How does HTTP work?. In summary, when you input a URL into your browser's location bar and press enter, this is typically and loosely what happens:
Using DNS, the URL is resolved into an IP address.
A TCP connection is established with the web server answering at that IP address. Alternatively, a TLS-encrypted TCP connection is established if using HTTPS.
HTTP messages are exchanged, the browser sends requests and the server sends back responses. It starts with a GET request for the document referenced by the URL but many more request/response pairs are exchanged to load all of the different resources that make up a particular web page.
How do browsers render web pages?
Tali Garsiel and Paul Irish's famous How Browswers Work give some details about the way browsers process the HTTP responses to render a particular web page.
The video How do web browsers work? | Web Demystified, Episode 5 is an easy watch and gives a nice overview.
Add details of the HTTP request methods to your spaced repetition system.
Build a low level library that is able to compose and send HTTP requests and spit out HTTP responses.