


Extends from Modelica.Icons.InterfacesPackage (Icon for packages containing interfaces).

Package Content

Name Description
PVSystems.Electrical.Interfaces.BatteryInterface BatteryInterface Partial model for battery
PVSystems.Electrical.Interfaces.SwitchNetworkInterface SwitchNetworkInterface Interface for the averaged switch network models
PVSystems.Electrical.Interfaces.TwoPort TwoPort Common interface for power converters with two ports

PVSystems.Electrical.Interfaces.BatteryInterface PVSystems.Electrical.Interfaces.BatteryInterface

Partial model for battery



Partial model for battery

Extends from Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.OnePort (Component with two electrical pins p and n and current i from p to n).


PositivePinpPositive pin (potential p.v > n.v for positive voltage drop v)
NegativePinnNegative pin

Modelica definition

partial model BatteryInterface "Partial model for battery" extends Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.OnePort; end BatteryInterface;

PVSystems.Electrical.Interfaces.SwitchNetworkInterface PVSystems.Electrical.Interfaces.SwitchNetworkInterface

Interface for the averaged switch network models



Extends from TwoPort (Common interface for power converters with two ports).


Realdmin1e-3Minimum duty cycle [1]
Realdmax1Maximum duty cycle [1]


PositivePinp1Positive pin of the left port (potential p1.v > n1.v for positive voltage drop v1)
NegativePinn1Negative pin of the left port
PositivePinp2Positive pin of the right port (potential p2.v > n2.v for positive voltage drop v2)
NegativePinn2Negative pin of the right port
input RealInputdDuty cycle

Modelica definition

partial model SwitchNetworkInterface "Interface for the averaged switch network models" extends TwoPort; parameter Real dmin(final unit="1") = 1e-3 "Minimum duty cycle"; parameter Real dmax(final unit="1") = 1 "Maximum duty cycle"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput d "Duty cycle"; protected Real dsat(final unit="1") = smooth(0, if d > dmax then dmax else if d < dmin then dmin else d) "Saturated duty cycle"; end SwitchNetworkInterface;

PVSystems.Electrical.Interfaces.TwoPort PVSystems.Electrical.Interfaces.TwoPort

Common interface for power converters with two ports



PositivePinp1Positive pin of the left port (potential p1.v > n1.v for positive voltage drop v1)
NegativePinn1Negative pin of the left port
PositivePinp2Positive pin of the right port (potential p2.v > n2.v for positive voltage drop v2)
NegativePinn2Negative pin of the right port

Modelica definition

partial model TwoPort "Common interface for power converters with two ports" Modelica.SIunits.Voltage v1 "Voltage drop over the left port"; Modelica.SIunits.Voltage v2 "Voltage drop over the right port"; Modelica.SIunits.Current i1 "Current flowing from pos. to neg. pin of the left port"; Modelica.SIunits.Current i2 "Current flowing from pos. to neg. pin of the right port"; Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin p1 "Positive pin of the left port (potential p1.v > n1.v for positive voltage drop v1)"; Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.NegativePin n1 "Negative pin of the left port"; Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.PositivePin p2 "Positive pin of the right port (potential p2.v > n2.v for positive voltage drop v2)"; Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Interfaces.NegativePin n2 "Negative pin of the right port"; equation v1 = p1.v - n1.v; v2 = p2.v - n2.v; i1 = p1.i; i2 = p2.i; end TwoPort;

Automatically generated Mon Sep 11 16:11:47 2017.