Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sources.ConstantVoltage Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sources.ConstantVoltage

Source for constant voltage



The ConstantVoltage source is a simple source for an ideal constant voltage which is provided by a parameter. There is no internal resistance modeled. If it is used instead of a battery model it is not very realistic: This battery will never be unloaded.

Extends from Interfaces.OnePort (Component with two electrical pins p and n and current i from p to n).


VoltageV Value of constant voltage [V]


PositivePinpPositive pin (potential p.v > n.v for positive voltage drop v)
NegativePinnNegative pin

Modelica definition

model ConstantVoltage "Source for constant voltage" parameter SI.Voltage V(start=1) "Value of constant voltage"; extends Interfaces.OnePort; equation v = V; end ConstantVoltage;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sources.SineVoltage Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sources.SineVoltage

Sine voltage source



This voltage source uses the corresponding signal source of the Modelica.Blocks.Sources package. Care for the meaning of the parameters in the Blocks package. Furthermore, an offset parameter is introduced, which is added to the value calculated by the blocks source. The startTime parameter allows to shift the blocks source behavior on the time axis.

Extends from Interfaces.VoltageSource (Interface for voltage sources).


VoltageV Amplitude of sine wave [V]
Anglephase0Phase of sine wave [rad]
FrequencyfreqHz Frequency of sine wave [Hz]
Voltageoffset0Voltage offset [V]
TimestartTime0Time offset [s]


PositivePinpPositive pin (potential p.v > n.v for positive voltage drop v)
NegativePinnNegative pin

Modelica definition

model SineVoltage "Sine voltage source" parameter SI.Voltage V(start=1) "Amplitude of sine wave"; parameter SI.Angle phase=0 "Phase of sine wave"; parameter SI.Frequency freqHz(start=1) "Frequency of sine wave"; extends Interfaces.VoltageSource(redeclare Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Sine signalSource( amplitude=V, freqHz=freqHz, phase=phase)); end SineVoltage;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sources.SignalVoltage Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sources.SignalVoltage

Generic voltage source using the input signal as source voltage



The signal voltage source is a parameterless converter of real valued signals into a the source voltage. No further effects are modeled. The real valued signal has to be provided by components of the blocks library. It can be regarded as the "Opposite" of a voltage sensor.


input RealInputvVoltage between pin p and n (= p.v - n.v) as input signal [V]

Modelica definition

model SignalVoltage "Generic voltage source using the input signal as source voltage" Interfaces.PositivePin p; Interfaces.NegativePin n; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput v(unit="V") "Voltage between pin p and n (= p.v - n.v) as input signal"; SI.Current i "Current flowing from pin p to pin n"; equation v = p.v - n.v; 0 = p.i + n.i; i = p.i; end SignalVoltage;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sources.RampVoltage Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sources.RampVoltage

Ramp voltage source



This voltage source uses the corresponding signal source of the Modelica.Blocks.Sources package. Care for the meaning of the parameters in the Blocks package. Furthermore, an offset parameter is introduced, which is added to the value calculated by the blocks source. The startTime parameter allows to shift the blocks source behavior on the time axis.

Extends from Interfaces.VoltageSource (Interface for voltage sources).


VoltageV Height of ramp [V]
Timeduration Duration of ramp [s]
Voltageoffset0Voltage offset [V]
TimestartTime0Time offset [s]


PositivePinpPositive pin (potential p.v > n.v for positive voltage drop v)
NegativePinnNegative pin

Modelica definition

model RampVoltage "Ramp voltage source" parameter SI.Voltage V(start=1) "Height of ramp"; parameter SI.Time duration(min=Modelica.Constants.small, start=2) "Duration of ramp"; extends Interfaces.VoltageSource(redeclare Modelica.Blocks.Sources.Ramp signalSource(final height=V, final duration=duration)); end RampVoltage;

Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sources.SignalCurrent Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sources.SignalCurrent

Generic current source using the input signal as source current



The signal current source is a parameterless converter of real valued signals into a the source current. No further effects are modeled. The real valued signal has to be provided by components of the blocks library. It can be regarded as the "Opposite" of a current sensor.


input RealInputiCurrent flowing from pin p to pin n as input signal [A]

Modelica definition

model SignalCurrent "Generic current source using the input signal as source current" Interfaces.PositivePin p; Interfaces.NegativePin n; SI.Voltage v "Voltage drop between the two pins (= p.v - n.v)"; Modelica.Blocks.Interfaces.RealInput i(unit="A") "Current flowing from pin p to pin n as input signal"; equation v = p.v - n.v; 0 = p.i + n.i; i = p.i; end SignalCurrent;

Automatically generated Mon Sep 11 16:11:50 2017.