
Library of icons



This package contains definitions for the graphical layout of components which may be used in different libraries. The icons can be utilized by inheriting them in the desired class using "extends" or by directly copying the "icon" layer.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.IconsPackage (Icon for packages containing icons).

Package Content

Name Description
PVSystems.Icons.AssembliesPackage AssembliesPackage Icon for packages of assemblies
PVSystems.Icons.ConverterIcon ConverterIcon Icon for power converter models

PVSystems.Icons.AssembliesPackage PVSystems.Icons.AssembliesPackage

Icon for packages of assemblies



This icon shall be used for a package that contains assemblies of components aimed at being used as subsystems of a system model.

Extends from Modelica.Icons.Package (Icon for standard packages).

Modelica definition

partial class AssembliesPackage "Icon for packages of assemblies" extends Modelica.Icons.Package; end AssembliesPackage;

PVSystems.Icons.ConverterIcon PVSystems.Icons.ConverterIcon

Icon for power converter models

Modelica definition

partial class ConverterIcon "Icon for power converter models" end ConverterIcon;

Automatically generated Mon Sep 11 16:11:49 2017.